Saturday, October 31, 2009

House Republican Leader John Boehner : Weekly Republican Address

Boehner outlines the Republican health care reform plan and blasts PelosiCare.

House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) Delivers Weekly Republican Address (video)

Scozzafava Suspends Campaign For NY-23

Dede Scozzafava and Doug Hoffman.

Republican state Assemblywoman Dierdre Scozzafava has suspended her campaign for NY-23's special election. Her supporters are now released to vote for Doug Hoffman according to National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Ken Spain.

FOX News
Republican state Assemblywoman Dierdre Scozzafava has suspended her campaign for upstate New York's 23rd Congressional seat, leaving Democratic nominee Bill Owens and Conservative Party nominee Doug Hoffman in the race that will conclude Tuesday, Fox News has confirmed.

SEIU President is Top White House Visitor

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is a group of thugs with strong ties to ACORN. They helped Democrats AstroTurf many of their August town halls. Barack Obama has a log history of freindship to the SEIU and once vowed to "paint the nation purple." The SEIU made a $61 million investment in Barack Obama and it looks like it is paying off.

From The Corner:
As far as I can tell, THE Andrew Stern was the top outside visitor to the White House with approximately 20 visits, or about three visits per month, including four relatively small meetings with the president and a dozen with other White House staffers. Stern has openly bragged about the SEIU's $61 million investment in Barack Obama. It certainly bought him a lot of access.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Video: CBS Finds White House Stimulus Job Creation Numbers Hard To Believe

You know it's bad when the liberal media calls out Obama on bogus stimulus jobs creation numbers.

CBS: Administration's Trillion-Dollar 'Stimulus' Claims "Hard to Believe" (video)

Positive Polling Numbers Shaping Up For Hoffman In NY-23

Graphic from RealClearPolitic.

The latest poll from NY-23's Congressional race has Hoffman trailing the Democrat by one point. Republican nominee Dede Scozzafava is now a distant third. In what many consider to be a test of the power of the "Tea Party" movement, Conservatives are refusing to support the Republican candidate because she is considered to be a liberal. Over at DailyKos, Scozzafava was endorsed as the most liberal candidate in the race. Scozzafava is pro-choice, supports "Card Check"(EFCA), votes with liberals on environmental legislation, supports gay marriage and has voted to raise taxes many times. Scozzafava does not support the death penalty or school vouchers. She would most likely vote for the Pelose health care bill and Cap and Trade based on her previous record and stated positions. Here is a questionnaire she filled out with her positions. Please notice in the questionnaire that Scozzafava failed to check the box that said: "Guaranteed medical care to all citizens is not a responsibility of state government." Scozzafava has been accused of being anti-gun, but that claim appears to be false.

Politico reported:
The latest round of polling gave evidence that Hoffman is on the rise and has pulled even with, or ahead of, Owens as Scozzafava has fallen into third place. In a newly-released poll commissioned by the liberal blog Daily Kos, Hoffman is within one point of Owens, 33 percent to 32 percent, with Scozzafava lagging well behind in third place with 21 percent….

Rush Limbaugh: Pelosi Is a Liar & Should Go to Jail (video)

Rush Limbaugh went off on Nancy Pelosi and her health care bill. Limbaugh says Pelosi is a "liar" for claiming her health care reform bill is deficit neutral. He calls the health bill "generational theft" and says people like Pelosi should "go to jail" with Madoff.

Rush Limbaugh: Pelosi Is a Liar & Should Go to Jail (video)

From the Video:
RUSH: As you have probably heard, ladies and gentlemen, Nancy Pelosi just once again claimed that the House health care reform bill will not add one penny to the federal deficit. Of course this is absurd. It will turn out to be absurdly untrue if this thing ever sees the light day of, and when it does, when it does, when it is exposed as a total fraud, when she and everybody else supporting this are exposed as total liars about all of this being deficit neutral, about all of this covering all these people, about everybody getting all this health care for what they think will be nothing, when all of that is exposed, shouldn’t people like Nancy Pelosi, who lie to get such things passed into legislation, have to face some kind of real consequences? This is nothing more than theft. Are they not thieves? They are stealing billions of dollars from US taxpayers, both taxpayers of today and tomorrow. You can’t even say that they’re enriched by their thievery ’cause they do it to buy votes and more power, and some of them do get enriched as a result of all this.

Why shouldn’t people who steal billions of dollars have to go to jail if the small fry like Bernie Madoff has to go to jail? Madoff is chump change compared to Nancy Pelosi, chump change compared to Barney Frank and Harry Reid. This is generational theft that is going on here. I mean let’s step back. Nancy Pelosi is the most radical Speaker of the House ever, from one of the most radical communities in the nation, San Francisco. She’s pushing this newest proposal now. She’s never cared about costs before, she doesn’t care about them now. She’s never cared about economic reality before because she’s insulated from it. She is wealthy. Her husband is wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. She is George McGovern on hormones, steroids and everything else, and she sees this as the best way for her and her ilk to remain in power for decades.

Folks, both the Senate bill, Dingy Harry’s little bill over there and Pelosi’s bill today are time bombs. They are ticking time bombs. They are designed to destroy private insurance companies and thus the economy. If you look at it from their standpoint these are brilliantly conceived bills and they’re guaranteed to work, they are going to do exactly what these Democrats intend. If they are passed, only massive Republican gains in 2010 and 2012 can diffuse this time bomb because the stuff doesn’t get implemented until after the 2012 election if it passes.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pelosi Refuses Public Access at Health Care Announcement

Well, that will prevent those embarrassing "You Lie" moments. Nancy Pelosi refused public access to her health care bill announcement. They can read the 1990 pages later.

From YouTube:
In a stunning development, Speaker Pelosi Denies Public Access to Health Care Public Plan Announcement.

Stimulus Job Creation Smaller Than the White House reported

The White House claimed the stimulus has created 30,000 new jobs. AP has investigated this claim and found it to be exaggerated.

From AP:

A Colorado company said it created 4,231 jobs with the help of President Barack Obama's economic recovery plan. The real number: fewer than 1,000.

A child care center in Florida said it saved 129 jobs with the help of stimulus money. Instead, it gave pay raises to its existing employees.

New Anti-Obamacare Ad (video)

Verum Serum released this great video ad. This ad deconstructs the Democrats many lies and deceptions relating to single payer.

The Single Payer Bunch (video)

Cash For Clunkers Cost $24,000 for Each Additional Sale Generated has analyzed the "Cash for Clunkers" program. When you consider how many people would have bought a car anyway, the cost of each new sale stimulated was $24,000. This is about the same as giving away cars.

From CSM:
American taxpayers paid a lot of cash for those clunkers: $24,000 for each new car sold, according to a study released Wednesday.

...The firm says that number is about 125,000 cars. By that measure, the government spent $24,000 to generate each sale of a new car.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Poll: 52% of Americans think US is "on the wrong track"

The national 9.8% unemployment rate is taking it's toll. Americans are beginning to hold President Obama accountable for the current economic mess.

From CNBC:
The hopeful mood that accompanied the start of President Obama's term has given way to deepening concern about the nation’s economic troubles, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

In the survey, a 52 percent majority of Americans described the nation as headed "off on the wrong track," compared to 36 percent who said the U.S. is "headed in the right direction." Though Obama's overall approval rating remained unchanged at 51 percent, assessments of Obama's handling of the economy have declined.

Top Obama Aide Blasts FOX News For Bias, But Refuses to Admit MSNBC is Biased

This is the type of hypocrites we have in the White House. Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett tells CNN FOX News is biased, but ducks the question about MSNBC's bias.

WH Goes for Truce with FOX News?

That is what is being reported today. I doubt this will last to the weekend.

From Mediaite:
Mediaite has confirmed a meeting between Fox News and the White House took place today, and an FNC spokesperson emphasized it was private.

Details of the meeting and terms of any agreement are still emerging, but we hear the meeting was to come to a “truce” between both sides – a point first reported by FishbowlDC.

Video: Shep Smith Apologizes for "Lack of Balance"

The fact FOX News hasn't fired Shep Smith proves they are "Fair and Balanced." Perhaps, he thinks he is auditioning for CNN.

Shep Smith Apologizes For "Lack Of Balance" In Fox News Report

Obama Praises Grayson. O'Reilly Says Obama Doesn't Understand.

A collection of the outrageous remarks of Rep. Grayson can be seen at the beginning of this video. Then, President Obama can be seen calling Rep. Grayson an "outstanding member of Congress." O'Reilly responds, "The President does not seem to understand that radical people are not acceptable to most Americans."

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lies, Damn Lies and Obama's Word Games (video)

Democratic Representative Bart Stupak (D.-Mich.) told CNSNews that he asked President Obama about his claim abortion would not be covered under the health care reform bill. Obama told Rep. Stupak, "What it says is Under my Plan." Of course, President Obama doesn't actually have a plan. At the time he made the speech claiming abortion wasn't covered, the only plan was H.R. 3200. President Obama was playing word games or as Joe Wilson put it when Obama said illegals would not be covered, "You Lie!"

From CNS News:
Rep. Bart Stupak (D.-Mich.) told that President Barack Obama told him in a telephone conversation that when he said in his Sept. 9 speech to a joint session of Congress that “under our plan no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions” he was not talking about the actual bill drafted in the House but about the president’s own health care plan—which has never been written.

Joe Lieberman says no to public option

Independent Senator Joe Lieberman said today he will back a GOP filibuster of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s health care reform bill unless the public option is removed. No Republican Senator is expected to vote for Reid’s health care reform bill. This leaves Majority Leader Reid short of the 60 votes he needs for cloture. Although Lieberman may vote for cloture to allow the Senate bill to be debated, he is saying he will not vote for cloture when it comes to voting the bill out of the Senate.

From Politico:
Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said Tuesday that he’d back a GOP filibuster of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s health care reform bill.

Obama Flashback: "WE are not going to pass Universal Health Care with a fifty plus one strategy

Harry Reid is shoving the public option into the Senate version of health care reform. He doesn't appear to have a single Republican vote and is struggling to get a 60 plus majority to stop the filibuster. Senator Reid needs to remember President Obama's words.

Climate Change Leader Wants You to Go Vegetarian

Lord Stern, Chair of the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment:
“Meat is a wasteful use of water and creates a lot of greenhouse gases. It puts enormous pressure on the world’s resources. A vegetarian diet is better.”

Stern also said:
"a successful deal at the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December would lead to soaring costs for meat and other foods that generate large quantities of greenhouse gases."

From Times Online:

Lord Stern, the author of the influential 2006 Stern Review on the cost of tackling global warming, said that a successful deal at the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December would lead to soaring costs for meat and other foods that generate large quantities of greenhouse gases.

If you think that is outrageous, these morons want you to eat your pet.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Obama Stimulates Golf Cart Sales With Your Dollars

The IRS has ruled some golf carts qualify for "Stimulus" tax credits. This makes some golf carts almost free. President Obama could object, but he is too busy playing golf.

Hot Air
As part of the huge $878 trillion (Or was it $787 billion? Can anyone remember, anymore?) “economic stimulus” created in Washington last winter, Congress OK’d a tax credit of between $4,200 and $5,500 for Americans who purchase an electric vehicle.

Some controversy arose as to which vehicles, exactly, qualified. The IRS recently ruled any electric vehicle qualifies for the subsidy, so long as it is road-worthy.

...the government will now pay virtually the entire cost of acquiring a new … golf cart. …

White House Pushes FOX News Ratings Up 8%.

Thanks, President Obama. Now more Americans will learn the news your state controlled media won't report.

But the White House's stance also gave extra lift to the network at a time when it is on track to record its best ratings year ever. This year, Fox News has averaged nearly 1.2 million viewers across all its programming, a 16% increase over the same period last year, according to Nielsen. In the two weeks since aides to President Obama took after the coverage, the audience has been 8% larger than the previous two weeks.

Is Hoffman leading in NY-23?

A new poll by the Club for Growth has Hoffman ahead by 4.3% over the Democratic candidate Bill Owens. This is within the 5.66% margin of polling error.

The poll of 300 likely voters, conducted October 24-25, 2009, shows Conservative Doug Hoffman at 31.3%, Democrat Bill Owens at 27.0%, Republican Dede Scozzafava at 19.7%, and 22% undecided. The poll’s margin of error is +/- 5.66%. No information was provided about any of the candidates prior to the ballot question.

Liberals and Conservatives Agree: Obama's Attack on FOX News is a Failure

From Common Sense 2020:
This past week, while the Obama administration delayed decisions on real threats around the globe, Fox News was declared to not be a news channel by Anita Dunn, Robert Gibbs, Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, and Barack Obama.

This video composite features comments on these statements by Nico Pitney, Jane Hall, Amanda Carpenter, George Will, Laura Ingraham, and Cynthia Tucker.

Sunday Talk Shows -- Pundits Agree on the Failure of Barack Obama's War On FOX News

Fox News Fights Back (video)

From YouTube:
FOX News Anchor Gregg Jarrett Goes Off On Democratic New Jersey Rep Rob Andrews Over "Fair & Balanced" Swipe.

FOX News Anchor Goes Off On Democratic Rep Over "Fair & Balanced" Swipe

Sunday, October 25, 2009

CBO 1994: A mandate requiring all individuals to purchase health insurance would be an unprecedented form of federal action

In this 1994 dated document from the CBO, they found no precedent for the government to impose a duty, such as a health insurance mandate, on individuals as members of society.

From Hot Air:
When asked where Congress derives its power to issue a mandate to citizens to buy health insurance or face large fines or jail time, Democratic politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Patrick Leahy, and Steny Hoyer scoff at the very question as “ridiculous.” However, the last time such a mandate was proposed, at least one entity on Capitol Hill did not find it ridiculous at all.
A mandate requiring all individuals to purchase health insurance would be an unprecedented form of federal action. The government has never required people to buy any good or service as a condition of lawful residence in the United States. ...

Another TOTUS Flub (video)

The adventures of the "Great Orator" continue.

Obama fumbles at Texas A&M

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Global Warming Has Become A Big Joke. CTF Invites You To Visit the new, warmer Canada

Global warming has become such a joke, the Canada Tourism Federation has made a video ad inviting you to visit the new warmer Canada. Soon, Al Gore may be the only person who takes global warming seriously.

Obama Finally Notices Swine Flu Has Killed 1000 Americans

The government stopped counting swine flu (H1N1) cases in the US back in July when the number reached about 1 million. Swine flu has killed over 1000 people in the United States so far. The fog has lifted and President Obama sees an emergency.
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama declared the swine flu outbreak a national emergency and empowered his health secretary to suspend federal guidelines at hospitals and speed up how infected people might receive treatment in a disaster...

Administration officials said the declaration was a pre-emptive move designed to make decisions easier when they need to be made. Officials said this was not in response to any single development on an outbreak that has lasted months and has killed more than 1,000 people in the United States.

Adding to the crisis, there is a severe shortage of the H1N1 vaccine.
THURSDAY, Oct. 22 -- As reports of swine flu infections continue to pour in from across the United States, health experts labored Thursday to explain why delivery of stocks of the long-awaited H1N1 vaccine are falling behind schedule.

Federal officials had projected that 40 million doses would be on hand by Oct. 15, but not even 13 million doses had arrived by Tuesday.

Meanwhile, President Obama is giving 10% of our swine flu vaccine to the WHO for other countries.

Obama Donating 10 Percent of H1N1 Vaccines to Poor Countries

GOP Ad: Behind Closed Doors

This GOP ad points out a handful of Democrats are now behind closed doors fashioning a health care plan to take over one sixth of the US economy.

From the House of Representatives Republican Conference:

Video: Rep. Alan Grayson On Dick Cheney: “I Have Trouble Listening to Him Because of the Blood That Drips From His Teeth”

Rep. Alan Grayson said abut former VP Dick Cheney: “I Have Trouble Listening to Him Because of the Blood That Drips From His Teeth while he is talking.” Republicans should make Greyson the "poster boy" for the Democratic Party.

Is Obama's Iran Policy Collapsing?

Is Obama's Iran Policy Collapsing? Many people are asking this question. Iran is beck-peddling and delaying on the deal they reached in Vienna. They now want a new deal which actually rolls back pre-existing UN sanctions. A senior Western diplomat involved in the Iran negotiations said.
“It’s like Groundhog Day, except in Groundhog Day you wake up every day and everything’s the same. With this, you wake up every day and everything’s just a little bit worse.”

Times Online reported:
Today, however, with just hours until the deadline, Iran has turned the table on its foreign interlocutors with a rival proposal, demanding that it be allowed to buy higher enriched uranium directly from abroad....

Friday, October 23, 2009

Chris Matthews: Group in America that most resembles the Taliban is the religious right

Chris Matthews said, "the group in America that most resembles the Taliban, ironically, is the religious right." Oh really? Has the religious right slit anyone's throat in a former sports stadium lately?

When asked if health insurance mandate is Constitutional , Speaker Pelosi Responds: “Are You Serious?”(Video)

When asked where the Constitution authorized Congress to order Americans to buy health insurance, Speaker Pelosi responded:
“Are you serious? Are you serious?”

Yes, Madam speaker. we are very serious.

From CNS News:
The exchange with Speaker Pelosi on Thursday occurred as follows: “Madam Speaker, where specifically does the Constitution grant Congress the authority to enact an individual health insurance mandate?”

Pelosi: “Are you serious? Are you serious?” “Yes, yes I am.”

Pelosi then shook her head before taking a question from another reporter.

More Obama sans teleprompter (video)

Many claim President obama is a great orator, but, without his teleprompter, he is a babbling idiot.

Wow! Voters Trust Republicans More On Top Ten Issues

Wow! Voters Trust Republicans More On Top Ten Issues.

Rasmussen reported:
For the first time in recent years, voters trust Republicans more than Democrats on all 10 key electoral issues regularly tracked by Rasmussen Reports. The GOP holds double-digit advantages on five of them.

Republicans have nearly doubled their lead over Democrats on economic issues to 49% to 35%, after leading by eight points in September....

Fewer Americans Are Buying Global Warming Scam

A new poll by the Pew Research Center has found only 36 percent of poll respondents believe in anthropogenic global warming.

From The Boston Globe:

Only 36 percent of poll respondents said they believe that human activities - such as pollution from power plants, factories, and automobiles - are behind a temperature increase. That’s down from 47 percent from 2006 through last year’s poll.

Americans Are Fed Up With Illegal Immigration: 37% Want To See All Illegals Deported

A new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released yesterday shows Americans are fed up with illegal immigration. Seventy-three percent want to decrease the number of illegal immigrants in this country. Thirty-seven percent would deport them all.

from CNN:
Seventy-three percent of those questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Thursday morning called for a drop in the number of illegal immigrants, with 22 percent saying the number should remain the same and just 3 percent stating that there should be an increase in the number of illegal immigrants. That 73 percent figure is the highest number since CNN started asking this question four years ago.

Obama Privately Venting About Fox News

According to a report published by the New York Times, President Obama is privately venting venting about Fox to his state run media buddies. The fact that President Obama hangs out with Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann,, Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich and Bob Herbert is frightening enough even if Obama weren't venting about the only network independent enough to report many stories.

From the NYT:
Speaking privately at the White House on Monday with a group of mostly liberal columnists and commentators, including Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann of MSNBC and Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich and Bob Herbert of The New York Times, Mr. Obama himself gave vent to sentiments about the network, according to people briefed on the conversation.

As WWII bomber pilots said:
“If you’re not catching flak,
you’re not over the target.”

Fox News is over the target.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Beck Ridicules White House for Emailing Morning Joe (video)

The White House emailed MCNBC's Morning Joe show to offer their spin on a story.
“The White House did just e-mail saying that interaction with Jake Tapper was not heated.”

Glenn Beck laughed at them for emailing:
"a show that nobody watches"

Beck is still waiting for the "Mao hot line" he set up for the White House to ring.

WH Tries to Ban Fox News from Press Pool Interviews with Pay Czar

Fox News is an official member of the press pool. They help pay the costs. When the White House tried to ban them from a pool interview with pay czar Kenneth Feinberg, the rest of the members refused to do the interview and the White House was forced to back down.

From Special Report with Bret Baier:
Baier: "There was an announcement by the Administration that they were putting out the pay Czar Kenneth Feinberg as we showed you earlier, for the White House pool, they sent out a message for the White House pool that Feinberg would be doing a round robin interviews with the 5 network pool that covers the White House...Foxnews has been a member since 1997, when they put out that message they specified that all members of the pool were welcome except Foxnews"

Leahy claims nobody questions the Constitutional authority of the government to mandate health insurance

Senator Patrick Leahy claims nobody questions the Constitutional authority of the government to mandate Americans buy health insurance. It is doubtful he has read the Wall Street Journal or the US Constitution lately.

From the video:
Q: I just want to know where, in your opinion, does the Constitution give specific authority for Congress to give an individual mandate for health insurance?

LEAHY: What — we have plenty of authority. Are you saying there is no authority?

Q: I’m asking –

LEAHY: Why would you say there is no authority? I mean, there’s no question there’s authority. Nobody questions that.

Hat tip Hot Air.

WH Blames Cheney for Afghanistan Failure

White House spokesman Robert Gibb said this today in response to Dick Cheney's criticism of Obama's "dithering" on the decision to send more troops to Afghanistan:
“What Vice President Cheney calls dithering, President Obama calls his solemn responsibility to the men and women in uniform,” Gibbs said Thursday. “I think we’ve all seen what happens when somebody doesn’t take that responsibility seriously.”

Perhaps he should check this chart before trying to blame the Bush administration.

A day after former Vice President Cheney charged the Obama administration …

… with “dithering” over its strategy for the war in Afghanistan, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs returned fire with guns blazing.

“What Vice President Cheney calls dithering, President Obama calls his solemn responsibility to the men and women in uniform,” Gibbs said Thursday. “I think we’ve all seen what happens when somebody doesn’t take that responsibility seriously.”

Hat tip Gateway Pundit.

Gallop: Obama's Third Quarter Approval Drop Largest in Decades

Graphic from Gallop.
Hopey-Changey isn't as popular as it used to be. President Obama's 3rd quarter approval has suffered the biggest drop since Eisenhower was President.

From Gallop:
PRINCETON, NJ -- In Gallup Daily tracking that spans Barack Obama's third quarter in office (July 20 through Oct. 19), the president averaged a 53% job approval rating. That is down sharply from his prior quarterly averages, which were both above 60%.

In fact, the 9-point drop in the most recent quarter is the largest Gallup has ever measured for an elected president between the second and third quarters of his term, dating back to 1953. One president who was not elected to his first term -- Harry Truman -- had a 13-point drop between his second and third quarters in office in 1945 and 1946.

Dick Cheney: Obama "dithering" and "waffling" on Afghanistan (video)

Former Vice President Dick Cheney launched his strongest attack on President Obama's delay of a decision to supply more resources to Afghanistan.
Mr Cheney said the President was "dithering" and "waffling" on Afghanistan while American troops face constant danger.

The former number two in the White House has criticised Mr Obama before, but these are his strongest words yet.

It is convention that former presidents and vice presidents are not outspoken in their criticism of successors.

Dick Cheney also criticized the decision to cancel the missile shield for Europe.
He slammed Mr Obama's decision to abandon plans for a missile defence shield in Eastern Europe as "a strategic blunder and a breach of good faith".

Stimulus Fail: 49 Out of 50 States Have Fewer Jobs Now

Democrats and President Obama claim the "Stimulus" saved or created jobs. The data proves them wrong. Forty-nine of fifty states have lost jobs since the "Stimulus" was passed.
According to the data, 49 States and the District of Columbia have lost jobs since stimulus was enacted. Only North Dakota has seen net job creation following the February 2009 stimulus. While President Obama claimed the result of his stimulus bill would be the creation of 3.5 million jobs, the Nation has already lost a total of 2.7 million - a difference of 6.2 million jobs.

You can check your state here.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Grade Schooler Asks Obama if He Was Born in Hawaii (video)

Too funny. The mainstream media will label him a young "birther."

Obama responded:
"I was born in Hawaii, that's true. Absolutely."

New Prostitution Sting Video Disproves Media Matters' and ACORN's Story

A new prostitution sting video released by Big Government claims to prove media Matters and ACORN lied about what occurred at ACORN's Philadelphia office. ACON claimed they fake pimp and prostitute were quickly thrown out and the office personnel did not cooperate. This video is powerful evidence this is untrue. Some of the sound has been muted due to the ongoing lawsuit, but it is obvious the visit lasted a long time and the staff seemed helpful.

From Big Government:
Now that ACORN lied to you, Media Matters, what are you going to do?

**UPDATE 2:24 PM EST** We muted the audio of the ACORN employees on the video released today due to ACORN’s legal attack upon us. We call upon ACORN to state publicly now that it has no objection to the public release of any its employees oral statements to us. If they are interested in the truth, why wouldn’t they do so?

Don't hold your breath waiting for ACORN to give that approval.

Rasmussen: Obama's Presidential Approval Index is Back Down to -13

The Presidential Approval index is is calculated by subtracting the number of voters who Strongly Disapprove of Obama from the number who Strongly Approve. Forty percent of voters now strongly disapprove of Barack Obama.

Rasmussen reported.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 27% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -13. That’s just a point above the lowest level ever recorded for this President. It’s also the sixth straight day in negative double digits, matching the longest such streak (see trends).

Obama's manufacturing czar agrees with Mao

Where does President Obama find these people? Ron Bloom, Obama's Manufacturing Czar, is another Mao quoter.

Childish Democrats at Play and You Are Paying Them

We have every right to expect our elected representatives to act in a professional manner. That expectation is not being met by Democrats in the House. In a temper-tantrum, they have locked Republicans out of the House oversight committee hearing room. They changed the locks and are refusing to give Republicans a key. Why? House Democrats are angry they can't exert censorship over the Republicans website. This kind of childish behavior is unbecoming elected representatives of our country.

From the WSJ:
Democratic staff for the House oversight committee informed their GOP counterparts today that the majority has changed the locks on the committee's hearing room. While Republicans previously enjoyed their own key to the room, they will now have to request access from Democrats. This followed a bitter partisan argument in which Republicans refused to take down a video from their website that contradicted Dem explanations about a closed-door meeting on the Countrywide VIP loan scandal.

Here is the video Democrats want to censor. The video is set to the tune "Hit the Road Jack."

Democrats claimed they had to cancel a committee hearing because too many members were at another committee hearing. They were actually hiding in the back room and Republicans captured them on video leaving through a back door. What they are actually trying to do is avoid a vote for subpoenas in the Countrywide loan scandal.

Hat tip to Wizbang.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

ABC's Tapper asks Gibbs: Who are you to decide what constitutes a news organization?

ABC's Jake Tapper had to nerve to challenge President Obama's spokesman about the outrageous charge that Fox News is not a news organization.

From NewsBusters:
Tapper: It’s escaped none of our notice that the White House has decided in the last few weeks to declare one of our sister organizations “not a news organization” and to tell the rest of us not to treat them like a news organization. Can you explain why it’s appropriate for the White House to decide that a news organization is not one –


Gibbs: Jake, we render, we render an opinion based on some of their coverage and the fairness that, the fairness of that coverage.

Tapper: But that’s a pretty sweeping declaration that they are “not a news organization.” How are they any different from, say –

Gibbs: ABC -

Tapper: ABC. MSNBC. Univision. I mean how are they any different?

Gibbs: You and I should watch sometime around 9 o’clock tonight. Or 5 o’clock this afternoon.

Tapper: I’m not talking about their opinion programming or issues you have with certain reports. I’m talking about saying thousands of individuals who work for a media organization, do not work for a “news organization” -- why is that appropriate for the White House to say?

Gibbs: That’s our opinion.

Thank you Mr. Tapper.

Chris Matthews just can't believe Obama's Opponents Aren't Racists

Chris Matthews was discussing this poll that found opposition to President Obama wasn't racially based with David Corn and he was having a really hard time believing Obama's opponents aren't racially motivated.

From the 3:10 mark in the video:
MATTHEWS: I‘m not sure. David Corn, I want to ask you this question: Why is it that all the liberals we know, every liberal we know was thrilled that this country was capable of electing an African American president? And you did not hear that thrill exciting the body or the soul of conservatives. They were not thrilled by the idea that this country was capable getting beyond its race past—it‘s racial past, not racist, but racial past.

Why is it that liberals liked that idea and conservatives didn‘t like were not thrilled by it? They just didn‘t have the same reaction.

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Doesn't Characterize George Soros As Left-wing (Video)

If Andrea Mitchell doesn't think Gorge Soros is left-wing, she must be far far to the left as he is.

From the O'Reilly Factor via YouTube:

CNN Poll: 51% Disagree with Obama on Issues

Even polling by the liberal mainstream media is finding President Obama is out of touch with voters.

From CNN:
According to the poll, which was released Tuesday, 48 percent of people questioned say that they agree with Obama on the issues that matter most to them, with 51 percent saying no. That's a switch from April, when 57 percent said they agreed with the president on important issues, with 41 percent disagreeing.

ACORN Front Group Accused of Stealing an Election by Fraud

The ACORN front group Working Families Party is accused of filing fraudulent absentee ballots. This investigation goes far beyond the registration of phony voters. The Working Families Party is being investigated for filing absentee ballots for people who had no idea they voted.

Fox News reported:
Brian Suozzo voted with an absentee ballot in the Working Families Party primary on Sept. 15 because, as his application stated, he was "at home recovering from medical procedure."...

The only problem with these absentee ballot records at the Rensselaer County Board of Elections in Troy, N.Y., is that they're phony, voters and investigators say -- and they've prompted what's being called an unprecedented investigation of suspected voter fraud.

Thirty-eight forged or fraudulent ballots have been thrown out...

Dinosaur Media Deathwatch Update

Circulation for the New York Times has dropped in the last year and, earlier this year, they reported a $74 million quarterly loss. Last year they reduced their newsroom staff by 100 jobs. Now, another 100 jobs are being cut.

From Media Decoder @ the NYT:
The New York Times plans to eliminate 100 newsroom jobs — about 8 percent of the total — by year’s end, offering buyouts to union and non-union employees, and resorting to layoffs if it cannot get enough people to leave voluntarily, the paper announced on Monday.

Joe Biden forgets recovery talking points and drops the "Depression" word (video)

Team Obama has been pumping the message that the stimulus is working, the economy is turning the corner and hundreds of thousands of jobs have been saved. Meanwhile, Gaffin' Joe Biden drops this bombshell,
“The US is in a depression. The US is in a depression.”

This is the man Newsweek just put on their cover and called him "An Inconvenient Truth Teller." Hmmm.

Hat tip Gateway Pundit.

Cracks Begin to Appear in Support for Rangel

Democrats have resisted Republican efforts to remove accused tax cheat Charles Rangel from his powerful position as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. Now, crack are beginning to appear in that support. Surprisingly, the weakening of support is coming from Rangel's own New York delegation.

Politico reported:
Politically vulnerable junior Democrats have been agitating with more senior counterparts to intervene -- either with Rangel or with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) -- in an attempt to ease Rangel out as Ways and Means chairman until the House ethics committee completes its review of the allegations against him, members tell POLITICO.

"The past month it's escalated," said one of the lawmakers...

Monday, October 19, 2009

WaPo Tries to Prop Up Public Option with Phony Poll

The Washington Post is touting a poll that shows 57% of Americans support a public run option for health care reform.
As Democratic congressional leaders and White House officials work to shape health care bills that will go to the House and Senate floors, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that support for a government-run health plan to compete with private insurers has rebounded from its summertime lows and now wins clear majority support from the public.

On the issue that has been a flash point in the national debate, 57 percent of all Americans now favor a public insurance option, while 40 percent are opposed. Support has risen since mid-August, when a bare majority, 52 percent, said they favored it. (In a June Post-ABC poll, support had been at 62 percent.)

Hidden in the last paragraph on page two is this nugget:
Only 20 percent of adults identify themselves as Republicans, little changed in recent months, but still the lowest single number in Post-ABC polls since 1983. Political independents continue to make up the largest group, at 42 percent of respondents; 33 percent see themselves as Democrats.

Only 20% of the respondents to this poll were Republicans. The most accurate pollster during the 2008 election cycle finds that 32% of voters now identify themselves as Republicans.

Graphic from Rasmussen.

Glenn Beck Interviews Lord Monckton On Climate Treaty (audio/video)

Every American should listen to this audio/video. The Global Climate Treaty President Obama is expected to sign, sets up a world government bureaucracy in order to transfer wealth from you to third world countries. Unbelievable!

These videos are long, but worth your time.

Part 1

Part 2

Rasmussen: Support for Obamacare drops 4 Points in Two Weeks

Only forty-two percent (42%) of voters support the health care reform plans in Congress. Fifty-four percent (54%) are opposed. Forty-two percent (42%) are strongly opposed.
Rasmussen reported:
Now that the Senate Finance Committee has passed its version of health care reform, 42% of voters nationwide favor the health care reform plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. That’s down two points from a week ago and down four from the week before.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 54% are opposed to the plan.

The Gold Plated Health Plan Congress Voted to Keep

Many Representatives were asked at town halls if they would agree to take the public option if it becomes law. There have been attempts by Republicans to to insert language into the health care reform bills requiring Congress to go on the government-run public plan when it passes. Democrats voted these amendments down. Read the article excerpted below and you will know why.

Personal doctors on call 24/7. Coverage that knows no caps. No exemptions for pre-existing conditions....

State Run Media Gets Duped. Fox News Refuses to Bite.

An email was sent to media outlets claiming the the Chamber of Commerce was throwing its support behind climate change legislation. It was a fake. Several major news organizations ran with the story. These included Reuters, CNBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post. Fox News didn't fall for the ruse. Who is making up the news now?

From Politico:
In a dramatic shift, the Chamber of Commerce announced Monday that it is throwing its support behind climate change legislation making its way through the U.S. Senate.

Only it didn’t.

An email press release announcing the change is a hoax, say Chamber officials.

Several media organizations fell for it.

A CNBC anchor interrupted herself mid-sentence Monday morning...

I guess there isn't any need to check facts when you are hearing what you want to believe. Here is the video of shame:

How is Health Care Reform Working Out for Middle Class Residents of Massachusetts?

After three years, health care reform in Massachusetts is going great if you love higher premiums. Although coverage has been increased to 96 percent, it has come at a high price for the middle class. President Obama and democrats claim this won't happen with national health care reform, but Massachusetts' experience indicates they are wrong. In addition to the middle class, seniors and the young should expect to pay more.

From the Chicago Tribune:
But there's another side to the story: Health insurance premiums for most residents are going up. Many middle-class people who had insurance before the overhaul see little change -- except that they're spending more on health care.

White House Admitted They Control Media

In this January video, the White House communications directer admitted they control the media.

From WND:

"Very rarely did we communicate through the press anything that we didn't absolutely control," said Dunn.

What does this mean? Wizbang Blog brings it home:
You may be thinking, "Wow, that was an incredibly controlled handling of the media during the campaign. Why couldn't the Republicans have put together something like that?" Of course the answer is very simple -- that kind of media control doesn't happen without the willful consent and participation of the news media itself. And only Democrats will ever garner that kind of sympathetic treatment from the mainstream media.

This probably explains the Obama Administration's ongoing war with Fox News. Right now I'm betting that Fox News was the only major television or newspaper news outlet that refused to let Team Obama pierce its nose with a gold ring and lead it around on a rope.