Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Spineless Harry Reid Holds "No Questions Allowed" and "Invitation Only" Obamacare Town Hall Rally

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is too spineless to face his constituents at a normal town hall. So, he held a "no questions allowed" rally with invited union members and supporters of Obamacare at UNLV. Other citizens were turned away at the door. Earlier this month, Harry Reid waved a piece of Astroturf and said, "I just want to show you what Astroturf really is." Senator Reid, you have shown the citizens of Nevada you know exactly what "Astroturfing" really means.

Harry Reid Holds Town Hall for Pro-ObamaCare Supporters ONLY (video)

Hat tip to PoliJAM on twitter.


JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Sometimes you just need to be among friends BGP. But I am in much agreement with your general opinion of Senator Reid.

Timeshare Jake said...

Why aren't any of us suprised. Harry Reid is a coward.