Thursday, September 3, 2009

Liberal Author Michelle Goldberg: "I certainly wouldn't be shedding many tears if Dick Cheney dropped dead."

Liberal author Michelle Goldberg made that statement while trying to defend those who called Bush and Cheney fascists. Goldberg also refereed to Cheney's future death as a "blessed day." Is there no limit to the hatred of the left?


nunya said...

No, there probably isn't. We have had more than enough abuse, lies, cheating, and thievery from the right to earn our hatred stripes.

I would be grinning if somebody hacked 'ol Darth Cheney's pacemaker and the vicious Dick died.

Bluegrass Pundit said...

nunya said...

"I would be grinning if somebody hacked 'ol Darth Cheney's pacemaker and the vicious Dick died."

You have helped reinforce the stereotype that the left is nasty. Thanks for playing.

Diogenes said...

Well, I can honestly say I don't want Cheney dead.

I want the bastard to serve time in prison for his crimes.