Friday, September 18, 2009

Caption This Photo of Michelle Obama

Caption This Photo of Michelle Obama


Bluegrass Pundit said...

Support Obamacare or I will detonate my suicide belt!

Sam R said...

Beware of the wrath of the dark side. I have force lightning and I am not afraid to use it.

thomaslhill said...

I swear they made me wear this.

Anonymous said...

On one hand, I want to control the world (including my husband), on the other... um..... Anyway, in conclusion....

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The First Lady can make even this goofy belt look good.

Unknown said...

Are you tellin' me that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a black female who hasn't lived that life?

Anonymous said...

"I promise you I will be a proud American for the next 3 to 7 years."

AdirondackKid said...

I can't think of a comment, but I know that if Laura Bush wore anything like that, the state-run media would have nothing but unflattering things to say about it. The words ugly, hideous, and tasteless come to mind.

But hey, this is the annointed one's wife, so ... nothing is said.

(Like Rush Limbaugh, I think we should stop referring to ABC, NBC, CBS, NY Times, etc. as "mainstream media" because the are NOT mainstream).

tarpon said...

You wonder, suicide belt or ammo for the revolution.

smitty1e said...

"I've got such vast tracts legislation...that I need a lower back support just to enable my condescending stance."

Anonymous said...

Which one of you called my hubby a liar? From now on anyone who yells out the truth will get the BELT. Now Shutup.

Anonymous said...

Oops 1st time to post. Put my Username at beginning. Cindi

@mrcuda74 said...

But Barack... It's kind of late for a chastity belt don't you think?

Bluegrass Pundit said...

Thanks for all the captions. They are great!

Bluegrass Pundit said...

This hides my tummy bulge. Doesn't it?