Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wow! Marine Goes Off Over Obamacare at Town Hall (video)

This is the best town hall video I have seen. A former Marine lets U.S. Congressman Brian Baird have it. Enjoy!

Town Hall Meeting with U.S. Congressman Brian Baird (video)


  1. Good for him but they are NOT listening

  2. As a former US Naval Officer much of my basic training was by Marine personnel. I love the Corp. This Marine is right on! As American citizens we need to sweep these greedy politicians who ignore the Constitution out of office now. I can't wait until 2010!

  3. United Citizens Council said...

    " Good for him but they are NOT listening"

    We will make them listen in 2010.

  4. Dave said...

    "As a former US Naval Officer much of my basic training was by Marine personnel. I love the Corp. This Marine is right on! As American citizens we need to sweep these greedy politicians who ignore the Constitution out of office now. I can't wait until 2010!"

    That Marine really "brought it home" for me. Kudos to all Marines!

  5. WOW - I wish I had the opportunity to say that to our Senators - they are refusing to have ANY meetings with constitutents - esp Sen Sherrod Brown! they are hiding and with good reason! An increasing majority feel just like this Marine!

  6. Wow is right!!
    Thank you-I love to hear our BEST (our military) speak out--There are a few who are building campaigns for 2010---
    I am adding your site to my roll-
    Thank you for putting mine on yours...

  7. Thank you. It be a Marine who speaks out so bravely and HONESTLY. The Constitution needs ALL SUPPORT WE CAN PROVIDE! And, we need it. It's our ONLY protection. Keep up the good work and God bless you!

  8. This grunt has a woeful understanding of history and politics. It's good that Marines like him are trained to follow orders, instead of think for themselves.

  9. Diogenes is full of crap. I suggest he read the Constitution of the United States to include all the amendments and find where it authorizes the national government to nationalize health care. Then I call for him to go back and read the 10th Amendment a second time. It reads, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Since the Constitution does not empower the national government to provide health care, Obamacare is unconstitutional.

  10. Right on Marine!
    Couldn't have possibly said it better my self.

  11. I'm glad they are not listening. They are SO arrogant that they won't know what's going to hit them next year until its too late. We need term limits and to elect people who support them. This is our last chance. If Obama, Peolsi, and Reid retain power next year, we can kiss this county goodbye for a very, very long time if not forever.

  12. IF you are counting on the "ballot box" (invisible ballots/touch screen hoping) to fix our problems, we'd better stop trusting that our socialist handlers will provide us with legitimate vote counts. Do a web search of "computer votefraud" and "Hacking Democracy"--you'll be amazed at how bamboozled we have become.

  13. Mona is EXACTLY right. Unfortunatley, if voting could change anything...IT WOULD BE ILLEGAL! It will take more than votes to change things. Wake up people. The Founders would have already taken action against such insanity and Obama AND Bush (the traitor).

  14. I am glad he said that he is willing to give up his government provided VA healthcare because it conflicts with his view of Constitution.

    Abolish the socialist Marine Corps.

  15. Diogenes and the last Anonymous seem to be fighting a uphill stream, swimming against the flow, so to speak. Why don't they go the the ACORN site to get their point across? But of course they don't have to get their point across over there do they. Voter fraud and SEIU strong arm tactics seem to be the mainstay.

  16. Diogenes: You are what is wrong with this country, I bet you Grunt every time you bend over....

  17. Wow...where to begin.

    1. Just because you are in the US military it doesn't make you a better human being. For proof of this, do a search on crimes committed by soldiers against other soldiers.

    2. Medicaid and Medicare are government health insurance programs. Would you like to see them dismantled since they are not authorized specifically in the US Constitution?

    3. John F. Kennedy, Richard M. Nixon, and George W. Bush all believed "It's not illegal when the President is doing it." Which led to things like COINTELPRO, Watergate, and the Patriot Act which removes Constitutional protections from anyone that the US government decides is a threat.

    You are being lied to on a daily basis. CNN is crap, Fox News is full of lies. You think a rifle will protect you from our government? They have tanks...helicopters...artillery mines...

    Your only salvation will be in doing some research. You are sliding into fascism on greased rails and cutting your own throat because of stupid catch phrases that you don't fully understand.

  18. someone needs to remind all the elected officials in washington that they are only part time employees of WE THE PEOPLE. And we the people don't want their health insurance. I am a senior and I would like to let you people know I am on Medicare and I Pay 97.00 a month out of my Social Security check. It goes up each year. It is not free and does not take of hardly anything, so I pay 190.00 a month for a suppliment. leaving very little to live on. I STILL DON'T WANT THEIR STINKING GOVERMENT RUN INSURANCE.

  19. I applaud the marines service, but look down on his rude comments, his tone was loud and nasty, these kind of actions won't make any change, your vote can, as long as a majority also votes your way, otherwise the majority wins and decides your future.

  20. Bravo! US Marine, and thank you for your service

    Unfortunaly it is too late for many to realize whom they have "elected" and sent to The White House,( not with my vote of course), but "elected" anyway. After all Mr. Obama did not lie on that regard, he always exposed his intentions on re-shaping America, re-distributing the wealth, punishing success, and being friends with many radical people and America-haters, now that he is surrounded by other powerful America-haters like Pelosi and Reid, his goal just looks easier to reach
    God help us!

  21. Wow! Where is the rest of the exchange?

    Thank you for serving our country but thank God you're not running it! Just because you get angry, raise your voice and act like everything you say is truth doesn't make it so.

    Stick with killing commies and leave the rhetoric up to those with sense enough to look at all sides of the issues.

    And calm down, I don't think the Congressman plans to go anywhere near your kids.......

  22. Good for him. He obviously felt compelled to say this. The kiss from his wife at the end says a lot.

    Make them listen in 2010.

  23. How many of you are rich and can afford to lose your healthcare? We need health reform now and yelling at your representatives without listening to what they have to say is unproductive and just shows that you're fearful and rude. Maybe you'd better just pray you don't lose your job.


Please don't use offense or vulgar language.