Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hardball guest Cynthia Tucker calls Town Hall protesters racists

Hardball's Chris Mathews asked Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution what percentage of Town Hall protesters "...don't like the idea of having a black president." Tucker answered, "I think 45 to 65% of the people who appear at these groups..."

From the video:
CHRIS MATTHEWS: Put 100 of these people in a room. Strap them into gurneys. Inject them with sodium pentathol. How many of them would say "I don't like the idea of having a black president"? What percentage?

CYNTHIA TUCKER: Oh, I'm just guessing. This is just off the cuff. I think 45 to 65% of the people who appear at these groups are people who will never be comfortable with the idea of a black president.


Diogenes said...

Is she not entitled to have that opinion? Or does she come too close to describing rednecks like you?

aziner said...

Classic Alinsky. They have no power against us so they turn to ridicule.

How about we inject MSNBC with a little sodium pentathol & see who's really running the shots on this State Media channel?

Anonymous said...

Wow. Diogenes, it seems to me that you are offended by someone reporting a fact? I saw no personal attacks or even an OPINION in this story. Typical left winger that can't take a fact if they don't like it. The only opinion that is in the story is what is stated in the video. You need to take a pill.

EndlessEcho said...

It would be too hard to ask or poll the people real questions. It's better to ask a loaded question to someone who doesn't have anything to do with these protests or know anything about their motivations.
Would it be ok to ask black ppl how comfortable they are whenever they're faced with a white president? If they said they weren't would you have the same reaction as the ignorant fool that posted 1st did? For the record I'm black/korean, so those assumptions that every1 NOT on the left must be racist, white, rednecks isn't valid.
You'd rather assume stupid things like softball chris than have to debate the actual subject. It's tired and old, come up w/ something real in the future.

Unknown said...

I'm just guessing, and this is just off the cuff, but I think any competent, intelligent reporter would have answered, "Chris, that was the most inane, moronic, race-baiting question I have ever heard, and I will not dignify it with a response."

Bluegrass Pundit said...

Diogenes said...

"Is she not entitled to have that opinion? Or does she come too close to describing rednecks like you?"

It is not OK to call someone a racist without any evidence. Playing the "race card" is usually wrong. How does this help the debate over health care or race relations?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You want to know something ironic in light of Cynthia Tucker's silly comment BP? In my hometown, the first ones to get up and tell some bigoted jerk to shut up are the republicans I've been fighting in political campaigns the last eight years. And these same guys are participating and promoting the Tea baggers and others.

Now I do think these people have been hoodwinked by an onslaught of misleads. But to say that perhaps 65% of them are mad because a black man is president is really a load of BS. It does my side no good when anyone takes this route.

Bluegrass Pundit said...

TRUTH 101 said...

"Now I do think these people have been hoodwinked by an onslaught of misleads. But to say that perhaps 65% of them are mad because a black man is president is really a load of BS. It does my side no good when anyone takes this route."

I don't agree with that hoodwinked part, but I respect your honest assessment.

Diogenes said...

Sorry I wasn't more clear, Bluegrass. I don't think her opinion carries any weight, and it doesn't necessarily do much to advance the "debate", but she has a right to express it. Just like you have the right to express an opinion that racism has absolutely nothing to do with the virulent antagonism that Obama faces , especially from Southern white males. It might be your opinion, but it doesn't carry any weight.

And Doug, while I'm not sure that you're being too generous in your proposed answer for Ms. Tucker, I will grant you that Chris Matthews' question was not the most intelligent one of his career.