Saturday, July 11, 2009

Media tries to spin economic news for Obama

Since the economic news is all bad, the left leaning MSM media is trying to support Obama by pointing out some other countries are in worse condition.

US News reported:
When times are tough, one thing that tends to raise the spirits is knowing that somebody else has it worse. And as wretched as the U.S. economy seems, it's not as bad as in other regions.

The International Monetary Fund's latest tally of world economic conditions forecasts a 2.6 decline in U.S. economic output for all of 2009, and anemic growth of 0.8 percent in 2010. That's more optimistic than the IMF's prediction from three months ago, but those are still lousy numbers. A weak economy throughout 2010 would mean a bleak employment picture, an agonizingly slow housing recovery, and another year or two likely to feel like a recession, whether it's technically labeled that or not.

Hat tip for story and table to Gateway Pundit.

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