Thursday, July 16, 2009

Did Dick Durbin Accuse Whites of Having Racism in their DNA at SCOTUS Hearing?

Did Dick Durbin accuse whites of having racism in their DNA at the SCOTUS nominee Hearings? That is what some pundits have concluded after his outrageous remarks at Sotomayor's confirmation hearing.

From Fox Nation:
Democrats clearly enjoyed being on the other side of the confirmation process, defending a Democratic nominee.

"When we asked questions of the white male nominees of a Republican president, we were basically trying to ... make sure that they would go far enough in understanding the plight of minorities, because clearly that was not in their DNA," Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said.

"The questions being asked of you from the other side primarily are along the lines of, will you go too far in siding with minorities?" Durbin said.

Senator Durbin is one of the democrats trying to take vouchers away from minority students and force them back into under performing segregated schools.

Dick Durbin's (D, IL) Hypocrisy. (video)


  1. This is the most outrageous absurd statement I have heard in a long time. Since when is racism in our DNA? Durbin should be eviscerated for his comment, and why hasn't he been?

  2. Maybe those that work with him regularly already know of his character. Those that do not, might not care enough to have actually been listening. I know I have a life to live, although I've been trying to catch proceedings as much as possible. However, I know I didn't hear Durbin's questioning or discourses.


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