Tuesday, June 16, 2009

'ObamaCare' will cost $1 trillion and only reduce uninsured by one third

The Congressional Budget Office estimates the Democrats health care plan will cost $1 trillion over 10 years and only reduce the number of uninsured people by roughly 16 million by 2015. The current number of uninsured is approximately 51 million.
CNNMoney reported:
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Two key proposals to improve access to health insurance could reduce the ranks of the uninsured but cost $1 trillion over 10 years, according to preliminary estimates released Monday by the Congressional Budget Office.

The estimates are the first in a series over the next few months that will attempt to quantify the costs and benefits of various health reform options. President Obama, citing the huge part health care spending plays in the economy, has made passing reform this year a top priority.

The report by CBO, an independent agency that scores legislative proposals for lawmakers, focuses on proposals to create health insurance exchanges and subsidize the cost of insurance for some households.

The agency estimated that the exchange and subsidies could reduce the number of uninsured people by roughly 16 million by 2015. It is estimated there would otherwise be 51 million uninsured that year.

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