Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Obama's teleprompter fails again

When speaking about Somali piracy today, President Obama said , "We are resolved to halt the rise of privacy in that region." That will terrify those evil pirates.

President Obama: Hold pirates accountable(video via YouTube)


  1. You must have absolutely nothing to do in your life if that is the best you can get to make Obama look bad. He looks better that you could ever look.

    STOP the madness!

  2. Anonymous said...

    "You must have absolutely nothing to do in your life if that is the best you can get to make Obama look bad. He looks better that you could ever look.

    STOP the madness!"

    Obama has been hailed by the MSM and his supporters as a "great orator." He is obviously reading almost everything he says off a teleprompter or other device. His slip ups are fair game. Have you forgotten how the MSM crucified G.W. Bush for his slip ups? And he usually wasn't reading his words.

  3. How embarrassing!

    He should use the teleprompter software I use and he wouldn't have that problem.


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