Thursday, April 30, 2009

House Democrats pass record spending bill without a single Republican vote

Here is a graphic from that illustrates the effect this record spending will have on the national deficit.

Here is the final vote tally from

President Obama was very upset with House Republicans when none of them voted for his stimulus. He repeatedly brought the topic up in a recent closed door meeting. He threatened to use the legislative process of "reconciliation." Obama wants to be able to spread the blame for record deficit spending with Republicans. House Republicans aren't interested.


  1. Good Deal..

    Democrats have to be held fully accountable when this thing turns south next year. This spending and borrowing will bring double digit inflation - which will be Obama's HUGE middle class tax increase!

    The Leader was not even asked about this last evening at his 100 day Pep Rally. The media lap dogs just sat there and drooled in the front row.

    for more on the might hit:

  2. MAS1916 said...

    "The Leader was not even asked about this last evening at his 100 day Pep Rally. The media lap dogs just sat there and drooled in the front row."

    Obama failed to call on Fox News again. he is making a habit of that.


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