Thursday, April 2, 2009

The $5 trillion 'new world order' plan(video)

The G20 nations have announced a deal on a $5 trillion 'new world order' plan to stimulate the global economy and add regulation to companies. Anything that is associated with the term 'new world order' can not be good news for the U.S. Apparently, President Barack Obama has agreed to the plan. How much of the $5 trillion the U.S. is responsible for is unclear.

G20 pledges 'new world order' with 5 trillion dollar plan


  1. What'cha gonna do when the money runs out, or the presses break.

    Liberals are so stupid when it comes to economy matters.

  2. Just to say that I have changed my personal blog back to Blogger. It is at the same URL

    I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to ice me right now. :-)



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