Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Red river in North Dakota is set to crest at 43 feet Sunday

The Red river in North Dakota is set to crest at 43 feet Sunday. This is three feet above the old record set 112 years ago. Residents in Fargo and other towns are battling bitter cold while manning sandbag lines. Many residents have been forced to evacuate. In his weekly radio address, President Obama spoke of the disaster.
"We will do what must be done to help," the president said. He repeatedly praised volunteers stockpiling sandbags and building levees, saying "their service isn't just inspirational—it's integral to our response."

Volunteers are pouring into the area and doing a great job. President Obama and his administration are not doing anything of significance yet.

River Flooding Sat, 28 Mar 2009 02:22:00 EST WILX.COM

1 comment:

  1. If this does turn into a large scale disaster, it will be an interesting test. Both Dems and Repubs seem to be claiming Katrina as some sort of victory. They are both wrong. It was a failure of the republican administration, and a failure of government's ability to solve problems. If Obama responds well, it will be a point for big government in the minds of many. This is the question of our day, and will be answered within 4-8 years.


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