Sunday, March 1, 2009

Obama is hiking taxes here while giving Palestinians almost $1 billion in aid

Hillary Clinton is set to announce the Obama Administration will give $300 million in aid to Gaza and another $600 million in aid to the Palestinian Authority. Are they serious serious? President Obama has already hiked taxes on cigarettes. He is planning large tax increases on businesses and the "rich." Even with tax hikes there will be a $1.75 trillion deficit. President Obama needs to remember he was voted in by Americans, not Palestinians.
Clinton to announce $300 million pledge to Gaza
Mar 1 04:32 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

SHARM EL-SHEIK, Egypt (AP) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Monday will pledge about $300 million in U.S. humanitarian aid for the war-torn Gaza Strip, plus about $600 million in assistance to the Palestinian Authority, a U.S. official said Sunday.

State Department spokesman Robert A. Wood told reporters traveling with Clinton Sunday that she would announce the donations at an international pledging conference at this Red Sea resort. The conference is seeking money for Gaza and the Palestinian economy.

Obama administration officials had indicated last week that the U.S. was preparing to pledge $900 million in assistance for Gaza, but Wood's description of the plan Sunday indicated that the only portion going directly to rebuilding Gaza was $300 million.(excerpt) read more at


Anonymous said...

I would have phrased that a little differently: Obama is hiking spending while giving Israel over $3 billion in aid.

Raising taxes is hardly bad for the budget deficit.

I assume you mean 300 and 600 million rather than billion? I somehow doubt we are giving two million dollars a person to Palestinians.

Bluegrass Pundit said...

"I assume you mean 300 and 600 million rather than billion?"

Yes. Corrected. Thanks. United States Marijuana Party said...

digital photos of relevant laws in Obama natural born citizen issue
SEE photos of laws!

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Did you have a problem with the money paid as bribes to Pakistan when Musharreff was in charge IR? All the while driving us further into debt.

Bluegrass Pundit said...

TRUTH 101 said...

"Did you have a problem with the money paid as bribes to Pakistan when Musharreff was in charge IR? All the while driving us further into debt"

I don't have a problem with foreign aid when we can afford it. We can't now.

Carl Wicklander said...

Does that mean we can't afford any foreign aid now? Obama is trying to double all foreign aid, including for Israel. According to this Jerusalem Post story, AIPAC was very pleased Obama is continuing the "special relationship" with Israel. Despite the fears of some, our relationship with Israel is not changing:

I'm against all foreign aid, whether it can be afforded or not. It often empowers corrupt regimes and I have never seen a positive correlation between foreign aid to a particular country and our relationship with that country being enhanced. Foreign aid can be just a euphemism for "bribe."