Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Obama gums up federal projects by undoing Bush environmental regulation(video)

President Obama issued a presidential memorandum to restore mandatory review of projects to determine if they harmed endangered species. This change may slow down many of the planned infrastructure projects in the stimulus bill. This is another example of how catering to the political base is more important to Obama than ending the recession.

Obama puts Bush species rule on hold
Dina Cappiello

President Barack Obama says he wants to resume full scientific reviews of projects that might harm endangered wildlife and plants.

In a visit to the Interior Department on Tuesday, Obama said he signed a presidential memorandum to restore the scientific process in endangered species decisions. Obama said the process was undermined by a last-minute regulation by the Bush administration.

Obama's memo puts on hold a last-minute Bush regulation until the Interior and Commerce departments complete a review.

The Bush-era regulation made optional the consultations federal scientists have performed for 35 years on projects. Their input helped to determine if a project harmed endangered species.(Excerpt)read more at

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