Monday, March 2, 2009

Disorder on the border

Mexico has deployed the Army to Juarez to try to control the violent drug gangs that have taken over this border town. Secretary of Defense Gates has offered assistance from the US military for training. The situation is so bad in Juarez that the police chief has resigned and the Mayor moved out. These drug gangs are heavily armed. If they decide to cross the border into the US, there is little to initially stop them.
Mexico drug violence crossing U.S. border
Jonathan Thompson , Marty Durlin, Jodi Peterson
Sunday, March 1, 2009

In February, police in Juarez, Mexico, found a smoldering body - the apparent victim of homicide by fire. The day before, they had found two men who had been decapitated, their heads in plastic bags nearby. As horrendous as this is, it is not uncommon: More than 300 have been murdered in Juarez this year. The police chief resigned after six cops were killed, and the mayor moved to El Paso for his own safety.(excerpt) read more at

Raw Video: Troops combat Mexican drug violence

The Mexican government ordered the deployment of army troops in the border city of Ciudad Juarez, the country's most dangerous city where drug cartel-related violence left 250 people dead this past month. (March 1)


Matthew Miller said...

This sounds like even more reason to legalize and tax the stuff. Did you hear California is expecting to raise a billion dollars a year from legalizing and taxing pot?

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Legal pot would mean lots of jobs. We tax hell out of tobacco and it provides lots of jobs.