Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Card check legislation has been introduced

Barack Obama and Democrats promised to push card check(EFCA) legislation in exchange for support from unions in the last election. Today, they introduced bills in both the House and Senate to end the right to a secret ballot vote for union organization campaigns. This is a sad day for supporters of voting rights. How ironic it is that it is Democrats that are trying to limit voting rights. They have always accused Republicans of wanting to do that. Learn what card check is here.

Democrats introduce card-check
By Kevin Bogardus

Democrats on Tuesday introduced controversial labor legislation making it easier for workers to organize, formally kicking off the biggest lobbying fight between business and labor in decades.

The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), also known as card-check, was introduced with 223 co-sponsors in the House and 40 in the Senate. That is less support than it attracted in the last Congress, even though Democrats now hold more seats in both chambers. In 2007, EFCA had 230 co-sponsors on its day of introduction in the House and 46 in the Senate.

“The labor movement is not part of the problem. It is a big part of the solution,” Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.) said in introducing the bill. He said Democrats were trying to make sure organized labor would be a part of turning the economy around.

Republicans pounced, arguing the bill is a gift to labor unions that campaigned for Democrats last fall and helped them win the presidency, a larger House majority and a 58-seat majority in the Senate that improves the chances of moving labor legislation. (excerpt) read more at thehill.com


10ksnooker said...

$500 million buys a lot of influence, regardless who it hurts. Nothing stops unions today, except people don't want them.

Anonymous said...

This whole right to organize thing is ridiculous. The anthropomorphization of business and organization is what has caused the destruction of small business in America.

The government doesn't have the right to prevent you from organizing. Neither does business. Firing you isn't preventing you from organizing, it is merely terminating a voluntary contract between an employer and an employee. Unions and businesses don't have rights because they aren't a person.

Limit voting rights? Where did you come up with that?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Most workers would like to have a contract 10k. And business groups spend far more than unions on political influence. They bought you Brother.