Monday, January 12, 2009

Supremes deny Berg, but questions about Obama's birth record persist

The Supreme court denied Philip Berg certiorari today, but questions about Obama's birth record persist. He has never provided his long form birth certificate even after several lawsuits. Instead, he has fought in court to keep it a secret document. On January 20th Barack Obama will enter the White House under a cloud of suspicion about his status as a natural born citizen. This is a shame. All he had to do was shoe the document. This is a slap in the face of every American who cherishes the Constitution.
Supreme Court Denies Certiorari in Primary Lawsuit Challenging Obama's Constitutional Eligibility to Serve as President

By Jeff Schreiber
America's Right

Nearly a week before his inauguration, President-elect Barack Obama likely has one less burden on his shoulders, as the United States Supreme Court denied certiorari today in the first lawsuit which called into question his constitutional eligibility to serve as president of the United States. Link here.

Here is a video of explaining some of the issues surrounding Obama's citizenship.


  1. Of course our Constitution still matters. It requires due process of law, which in the case of a challenge to Obama's eligibility, will require some heavy duty evidence from you guys, not just wild thrashings.

    Wild thrashings? Yes.

    1. The certificate Obama offered is perfectly legal. While a person born in a foreign location could get a similar document, they could not get one that says they were born in Honolulu. That statement, vouched for by the State of Hawaii, moots all of your arguments. If a challenge were to be successful, it would have to offer evidence of serious problems with that certificate. So far, there is no such evidence that withstands even an awkward glance, let alone cross examination.

    2. There is no verification of the wild claim that non-citizens were not allowed to attend school in Indonesia. That claim is wholly fatuous, ignoring long-standing international law and the laws of Indonesia. Some schools were limited to residents of the nation -- but we know for a fact that there were schools there for the children of diplomats, including U.S. diplomats. Obama attended just exactly that sort of private school in Indonesia.

    So, if you wish to claim his getting an education in a foreign nation somehow disqualifies him from the presidency, you're going to have to provide serious evidence that Indonesia's laws forbade foreigners from going to school. That's not in evidence -- it's barely even a crackpot allegation from the internet.

    3. It has never been illegal to travel to Pakistan. Think about this hard for a moment: In 1980-1982, in the early Reagan administration, Pakistan was a key ally of the U.S. in fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan. While there may have been a travel advisory for the area, we have never had a law banning travel to Pakistan.

    If your sources can't be accurate in things that are easy to check, why should we trust them in anything?

    No wonder Berg's suits keep getting dismissed.

  2. Ed is quite right. In addition, it wouldn't matter if Obama was adopted by his stepfather, thereby making him an Indonesian citizen. In Perkins v. Elg (google and read it), the Supreme Court ruled that natural born citizens taken out of the country as children by their parents don't lose their US citizenship if they return no later than shortly after their age of majority and reassert their US citizenship. Obama returned to the US at age 10 and was raised in Hawaii. Its a non-issue.


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